Importing GeoJSON files to QGIS

From TOI-Pedia


Figure 1. Example GeoJSON layer import in QGIS.

The GeoJSON file format represtents simple geographical features and linked non-spatial attributes. Just as with other formats used in QGIS it can represent, points, lines, polygons or even collections (multipart geometries).

This tutorial will cover the import process from download to importing in QGIS. To make this more clear an example will be used which can be downloaded at: Resulting in the imported layer seen in figure 1.

Importing GeoJSON data into QGIS

Figure 2. Download page of example used in tutorial. Source:, eikenprocessie rups.
Figure 3. GeoJSON download page.
Figure 4. Importing the GeoJSON to QGIS.
  • Step 1: Download your data package (to follow the example, see figure 2), take into account that downloading a (Geo)JSON file can result in an unusual looking download page. To download the file correctly click on Save, highlighted in orange in figure 3. Make sure to give your file a good name.

  • Step 2: To import your GeoJSON to QGIS, simply go to the Data Source Manager under the Layer tab. Select the Vector layer type and choose the file format. Finally locate your GeoJSON file and select it. By clicking on add a new layer is created with the GeoJSON geometries. The steps are highlighted in orange in figure 4.

  • Step 3: Always make sure you use the correct coordinate reference system. For more information on the CRS, check this tutorial.

Useful Dataset websites

To find an useful datasets for the Netherlands, go to the page on useful datasets. The page contains datasets on the main municipalities and provinces. Many of those datasets also include many .json and .geojson files that can be downloaded.

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