Speckle Tutorials: Grasshopper & Dynamo connectors

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Compatible Versions

In order to be able to use Speckle with each different software (e.g Rhino or Revit), you should have firstly downloaded and installed the respective connector for it. You can see how in: Speckle 2: Download the Speckle Connectors.

Compatible Versions

Grasshopper for Rhino 6,7

Dynamo & Dynamo Sandbox 2.1 to 2.10 (Autodesk Revit 2019-2022)

The common characteristic between the Speckle connectors for Grasshopper & Dynamo (and at the same time the main difference with Speckle connectors for Rhino & Revit) is that, in this case, a node approach is used instead of the Speckle User Interface.

Speckle for Grasshopper

How to get started

Speckle for Grasshopper - Node components in the Ribbon tab

You can find all the Speckle node components in the Ribbon tab space under the Speckle2 tab. Upon installing Speckle for Grasshopper, additional tabs related to Speckle for other applications or industry standards, such as BIM, Revit, Structural, ETABS, GSA, will be created on the Ribbon tab. You can select which ones you want to view in: Speckle2 (top menu) » Tabs.

Send & Receive Data

In order to be able to efficiently exchange data, you should first extract the respective stream, branch or commit id. You can do this in the following ways:

Extract ID from Speckle Web App

Through the Speckle Web App

Visit the Speckle Web App in: https://speckle.xyz/ and enter with your Speckle account login credentials. Browse in your created Streams and Commits using the tabs in the left column. Click on the stream/commit you want to use for the data exchange and copy the url that appears on top. You can see more about how to compile a URL for a stream/branch/commit in https://speckle.guide/user/grasshopper.html#streams-and-urls

In the Grasshopper interface, create a Params » Input » Panel. Double-click on it and right-click » paste the URL.

Speckle for Grasshopper - Send & Receive

Using the Speckle for Grasshopper nodes

In the Grasshopper interface, create a Speckle 2 » Streams & Accounts » Accounts component. Select your Speckle account from the drop-down menu.

Create a Speckle 2 » Streams & Accounts » Stream List component and connect the Accounts component as input. It will give you as output all the stream ids related to this account.

Important to note: You can use the stream ids directly or connect them to a Speckle 2 » Streams & Accounts » Stream Details component in order to cross reference it with the stream names, the respective branches and the rest of the stream details.

Use the Speckle 2 » … » Send & Speckle 2 » … » Receive components to proceed with the data exchange. You should connect as input the URL or stream/branch/commit id extracted in the previous step.

Important to note:

a. It is very useful to add a message describing the data that you send every time. This will make it easier to browse through the older commits in a later stage. Create a Params » Input » Panel and connect it to the 'Message' input of the Send component.

b. In order to effectively send & receive the data, you should press the 'Send' or 'Receive' button that will appear on the node after you connect the respective inputs.

c. In order to be able to see the data that you receive, you should create a Speckle 2 » Object Management » Expand Speckle Object component and connect the output from the Receive component as input. You can extract the elements you received by connecting a Params » Primitive » Data component in the displayMesh output.

See a more detailed explanation about the data exchange in:



You can also find detailed explanations on the function of each specific node in https://speckle.guide/user/grasshopper.html#nodes

Grasshopper BIM

It is an important feature of Speckle for Grasshopper and you can use it to send data both as simple geometries but also as BIM elements. This feature is similar to RhinoBIM provided from the Speckle for Rhino but has a significant difference since now it is possible, besides the main categories, to provide information related to the specific Revit family where you want to relate your geometry (e.g. specific wall or door type)

You can see a more detailed description on how to use Grasshopper BIM in:


Speckle for Dynamo

How to get started

Speckle for Dynamo - Where to find

After installing the Speckle for Dynamo connector, you should be able to see the Speckle 2 tab in your Dynamo library on the left side.

Send & Receive data

Speckle for Dynamo - Send & Receive

In Speckle for Dynamo the approach is similar to the one followed for the data exchange in Speckle for Grasshopper.

Stream, branch or commit ids to define which data are going to be sent or received through the node components. You can extract the ID URL through the Speckle Web App following the same steps as described in Send & Receive Data. In the Dynamo interface, create an Input » String component and paste the URL there.

Alternatively, you can extract the stream ID through your Speckle account. You can do that inside Dynamo by creating a Speckle 2 » Account » Select component and connecting it as input to a Speckle 2 » Stream » List component. Afterwards, connect the id output as input to a Speckle 2 » Send or a Speckle 2 » Receive component.

Important to note: In order to effectively send & receive the data, you should press the 'Send' or 'Receive' button that will appear on the node after you connect the respective inputs.

You can find a more detailed explanation for the data exchange in Dynamo in:



You can also explore the function of each node specifically in https://speckle.guide/user/dynamo.html#all-speckle-nodes

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