Template:Maya2017 Channelbox

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The Channelbox shows you the properties of the currently selected object

The Channelbox is on the right side of the screen. In this menu you will find all the properties of the selected object, and you can change those properties. If you apply a certain operation on an object, Maya will remember this. This is called the construction history of an object and that is also shown here.

If you create an object in Maya it will automatically get a unique name. When you are building a large building or model it can be useful to change the standard name of an object to something that is a little easier to remember. This can help you finding and selecting objects in larger scenes. You can change a name by clicking on the standard name in the Channelbox. When you have already used a name, e.g: door and you name another object door, Maya will automatically suffix a number, making the name unique. So your new door will be named door1 and so on.

In the Outliner you can select objects by name, so giving them a logical name can be very useful.

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