Template:Maya2017 Transform Tools

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Transforming Objects

Move (W), Rotate (E) and Scale (R)
Mirror your object by using a negative scale

When an object is selected, it can be transformed. To move, rotate or scale, select the particular tool in the toolbox. Click and drag the manipulator on the colored axis of choice to perform the desired transformation. When selecting one axis, the transformation is only performed on that particular axis. For transforming in all directions click the yellow icon in the center of the manipulator.

Try to get used to the hotkeys for these transformation tools:

W: Move

E: Rotate

R: Scale

For example, if we want our object to scale in the z-axis, we select the object, we then select the scale tool in the toolbox, the manipulator is shown and we click and drag the blue cube to scale the object.

The transformations are numerically shown in the ‘Channel Box’ on the right. You can input the transformation values manually here. So the use of exact measures is possible this way instead of dragging the manipulator a random amount. For mirroring objects it is possible to input a negative scale value in the channel box.

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