AutoCAD Hatching

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Just as important as the use of correct line widths, is the use of hatches. A Hatch in AutoCAD can either be a solid color, a repeating pattern, or a combination of both.

Creating a Hatch

Open the Hatch and Gradient window by pressing Hatch icon.jpg in the draw toolbar or by typing [Hatch] in the command bar:

Hatch and gradient.jpg

In order to create a hatch, we need to specify a boundary to contain the hatch. This can be done in two ways:

  • Press the [Add: pick points] button Add pick points.jpg and left-click in the center of a region you want to select:

Pick points.jpg

Then end the selection process by pressing [enter]

  • Or Press the [Add: select objects] button Add select objects.jpg and left-click on the objects you want to select:

Select objects.jpg

Now that we've got a selection, its time to decide on the pattern:


If you want a simple fill color, select solid.

If you however want a pattern, you can select one from the drop down window:

Pattern select.jpg

Below the dropdown window, the swatch gives you a preview of the selected pattern:


This is a good moment to look at a preview of the hatch, by clicking preview:

Hatch preview.jpg

Hatch Scale

As we can see, the scale of the hatch is off, the lines are far to close together.

To return to the hatch options, press [Esc]

Now change the scale from 1 to a higher value, in this case 100:

Hatch scale.jpg

The preview should now look like this:

Hatch preview2.jpg

Finish the hatch operation by pressing [enter]

Hatch alignment

Sometimes a hatch doesn't align properly with the region you want to hatch, for instance when applying a brick hatch:

Hatch brick.jpg

To correct this, go to the hatch options and choose specified origin > click to set new origin.

Hatch origin.jpg

Now select one of the regions corners:

Hatch origin select.jpg

If you now execute the hatch command, the hatch will look like this:

Hatch origin set.jpg

The hatch is now aligned to the selected corner

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