BK3OV3 leerstof opgave week 4

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BK3OV3 leerstof opgave week 4

Deze opgave heeft tot doel snel je kennis te checken van het geleerde materiaal.

Voor deze simpele opgave maken we een simpel Grasshopper model waarbij we een kubus met een slider verplaatsen

Lever je Rhino en Grasshopper file in via de website. We beoordelen of de verplaatsing werkt. Dus hou het simpel.

Grasshopper leerstof opgave 4.jpg

Als je het online lesmateriaal hebt doorgenomen ben je onderstaande uitleg tegen gekomen.


Move geometry input


To move an object in Grasshopper we first need to select an object to move and the move component. If you use existing geometry from Rhino the geometry is already defined. That means that you can define that geometry as a Parameter. It might be necessary to cut a part of the design if the part which you want to move is connected to another object. You can connect it again once the final design is established.

If the geometry is a surface the Brep parameter is used. Select the Brep parameter and drag it into the Grasshopper screen. Right click on it and select "Set one Brep" and select the 3D geometry in Rhino.

Grasshopper Brep1.jpg

If the geometry is a curve made in Rhino then the Curve parameter can be used. Select the Curve parameter and drag it into the Grasshopper screen. Right click on it and select "Set one Curve" and select the curve in Rhino.

Grasshopper curveA1.jpg

If the geometry is a set of points made in Rhino or Grasshopper then the Point parameter is used. Select the points parameter and drag it into the Grasshopper screen. Right click on it and select "Set one Point "Click in the screen of Rhino to define the point

Grasshopper PointA.jpg


Unit vector
two point

A Vector describes a direction and distance. Vectors are widely used in Grasshopper and form often the basis for complex transformations. The vector can be defined in three ways.

  • A Unit vector. This is a vector in the X, Y or Z direction. The standard distance is set to 1. If you want to increase the distance you add a number slider to the Unit vector component.

  • A point can also work as a transformation vector. This point can be created or an existing point can be used. If the point has the coordinates of X=2, Y=4 and Z=6 and it is used as a move vector the object will move 2 units in X direction, 4 units in Y direction and 6 units in Z direction.

  • If you have two points then you can use these points to define a vector
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