Create Your Own Sheet Title Block Family (Revit Architecture)

From TOI-Pedia

Modifying the Sheet Title Block of the current project

Revit is shipped with a few title blocks for Sheet layouts, ranging from A4 to A0. These are rather elaborate title blocks. To quickly adjust the title block of your sheet:

  1. RMB-click any part of the title block of your sheet
  2. Choose Edit Family
  3. The Revit Family Editor opens with this title block loaded
  4. Select and delete any components you wish to delete. On the Home Tab there are various options to add components to your title block.
  5. When you're done, click the Load into Project button in the Ribbon.

This will overwrite the Title block family that Revit loaded from disk for this Project only. If you want to create a Titleblock that you can reuse easily, refer to the next section.

Creating your own custom Title Block

If you want to reuse a sheet title block in several projects, it's best to create your own:

  1. Click the Revit Application Button. Choose New, Family
  2. In the default Revit Templates location, open the Titleblocks subfolder.
  3. Choose the desired paper format (or New Size for a custom paper size)
  4. Add lines, text etc. to your Title block.
  5. When you're finished, click the Save button and save it as a Revit Family file in a convenient location. Don't overwrite the default Revit Titleblock files in the Revit Library folder! We recommend saving this family file in a folder in your own documents folder.

You can access sheet parameters that are set in the Project by adding a 'Label instead of a regular text field. Go to the Create Tab, Text section and click Revit-Label button.png (Label). Place your text field. Afterwards the following window appears:

Revit-Edit label window.png

Choose which parameters you want to use in the text field. You can add multiple and specify additional text that should be displayed in front (prefix) or after (suffix) the value of the parameter.

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