Grasshopper Parameter tabs

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the Paramater tab

There are various parameters available in Grasshopper. They not only contain geometry but also primitives. Geometry can be defined in Grasshopper or Rhino depending on the definition of the parameter in Grasshopper versus the definition in Rhino.

The Geometry Tabs

The tabs Tab.jpg

The tabs Tab1.jpg

The Primitive parameters

The tabs Tab2.jpg

The primitive parameters are used to set a single or multiple sets of various data. This data will then be used by the components as a basis for their actions. It is possible to input data in a parameter by another parameter. For example a circle drawn in Rhino can be placed in a Curve parameter. The Curve parameter itself can be connected to a Circle parameter. The Circle parameter will accept Rhino description of the circle as a circular curve. Although this might work it is always important to check when the parameter has an input or the conversion or interpretation of the data will be correct. The help option in the Parameter menu will explain if there are any conversion problems.

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