Honeybee Intermezzo 2: Possible errors while using HB Add Subface

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Possible errors

A very frequent error message that may show up when connecting the inputs to the ‘HB Add Subface’ component is that:

“The following subfaces were not matched with any Parent face.”

If this is the case:

1. Check that for each opening that you have connected as an input on the ‘_sub_faces’, there is the respective FULL wall surface connected as an input on the ‘_hb_obj’ input.

2. Make sure that both ‘_hb_obj’ input and ‘_sub_faces’ are flattened (right click on the input » Flatten).

Margins towards inside on the outer edges

3. In case you have openings (windows or doors) that reach to the boundaries of the respective walls, it is advisable to make them slightly smaller in order to have a small margin on the outer edges making sure that the whole opening surface is inside the wall.

For example, in the example file, although the door normally starts from the bottom of the wall (+0.00) and ends at level +2.15, its height is made a bit smaller so that it still ends at level +2.15, but it starts from level +0.05. If in your model you have more than one edge reaching the wall boundaries, you should leave a margin in all the outer edges.

Projecting the Opening to the Wall Face

4. If the other steps still do not solve the problem, it may be the case that there is a slight deviation between the wall plane and the window reference plane (Maybe it is so small that you do not realize).

You can use the Transform » Affine » Project to project the opening surface to its respective wall surface and connect the ‘Geometry’ result in the HB Aperture or HB Door component. In this case, make sure that you apply on the ‘Plane’ input of the Project component only the wall where you want the opening to be projected!

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