Honeybee Intermezzo 3: Alternative for Room creation (HB Room from Solid)
HB Room from Solid command
The simplest way to create a HB room is when it refers only to a room that has solid walls without openings.
In this case, instead of following the steps described in Step 2A: Create the HB faces and Step 3A: Compose the HB Room, you should:
1. Create a Honeybee » Create » HB Room from Solid component.
2. In _geo input, set directly as input the closed volume (polysurface or mesh) from Rhino/Grasshopper that corresponds to your design. It will automatically set its surfaces as walls, roof or exterior floors based on their position and angle of inclination.
Important to note:
1. 'Outdoors' boundary condition will be automatically assigned to all the walls without differentiation between interior and exterior. On the bottom surface, the 'Ground' boundary condition will be assigned.
2. Here we do not want the entities to be separate (as with the Explode command) but joined all together into one closed polysurface (Brep) or Mesh. If you connect separate surfaces, it will give you a warning even if in total they form a closed volume.
In _roof_angle input, you can use a Params » Input » Number Slider to define the angle number (in degrees) below which all faces will be roofs and above which all faces will be walls. By default the value is 30, so that automatically all faces with angle < 30° (horizontal) will be set as roofs and all faces with angle > 30° (vertical) as walls.