Honeybee Intermezzo 7: Visualize the simulation results - Spatial Heatmap

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A very convenient way to visualize the results obtained from any type of Radiance simulation is to create a Spatial Heatmap.

What is a Spatial Heatmap?

It is a 2-dimensional representation of the data per grid point obtained through the simulation. In each point, the corresponding value is represented by a color.

How to create a Spatial Heatmap?

Set-up for creating the Daylight Factor Heatmap

1. Use a Ladybug » Extra » LB Spatial Heatmap component.

2. Connect the ‘results’ result from the simulation component (You must have already set the Boolean Toggle to 'True' and run it!) to the ‘_values’ input.

In this example, we are going to use the HB Daylight Factor component.

3. Connect the ‘mesh’ result from the HB Sensor Grid from Rooms component to the ‘_mesh’ input.

4. Create a Ladybug » Extra » LB Legend Parameters component.

By browsing your mouse over the different inputs, you can see which are the parameters that you can set each time.

Important to note: When the value that you are illustrating is a percentage, you can set the minimum and maximum values of the legend as 0 and 100 respectively, so as to have comparable graphs between the different iterations. To do so, you should create 2 Params » Input » Number Slider components, set their values to 0 and 100 and connect them to the ‘min_’ and ‘max_’ input of the LB Legend Parameter component respectively.

If you do not set the min & max legend values, the software will automatically set them based on the range of the values that you connect as an input.

Additionally, you can set that the color range of the legend is a continuous gradient. Create a Params » Input » Panel, write ‘true’ and connect it to the ‘continuous_leg_’ input of the LB Legend Parameter component.

Daylight Factor visualizations (Simple & Parametric openings)

5. Create a Params » Input » Panel component to set the title of the graph according to the metrics that you are illustrating each time. In this example, you should write ‘Daylight Factor’. Afterwards, connect it to the ‘global_title_’ input of the LB Spatial Heatmap component.

6. Create a Params » Input » Panel component to set the title of the legend according to the measurement units of the metrics that you are illustrating each time. In this example, you should set it to ‘%’. Connect it to the ‘legend_title_’ input of the LB Spatial Heatmap component.

7. You can see the resulting Spatial Heatmap by clicking on the LB Spatial Heatmap component. The graph will appear on your Rhino scene.

If you want to bake the graph: Right-click on LB Spatial Heatmap » Bake.

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