InfoBase submit

From TOI-Pedia


  1. go to the course submission page (typically available on the course pages of the TOI website)
  2. select the assignment: click submit
  3. login using your TU Delft NetID )
  4. select a slot (for instance: 1-1)
  5. select the file from your computer using 'Browse...' (note that there is a limit to the file size [1])
  6. Some filetypes may require you to upload a thumbnail. Use 'Browse...'[2]
  7. click 'confirm' and then 'submit' to finalize the submission


  1. refer to reducing filesize for tips on controlling filesize.
  2. A thumbnail is a small image used in the InfoBase viewer. When you upload a file other than an image, you may need to supply a thumbnail.

course submission overview

InfoBase AssignmentsOverview.jpg

submission page

InfoBase SubmissionPage.jpg

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