Revit Mass Revolve

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Building Mass

In this tutorial we are going to create a building mass with Revolves.

Create Mass Revolve

Create new project
Enter a name for the Mass

Create a project:

  • Click the Application Button, under New, click Project.
  • Under Template file, make sure the a metric, Architectural Template is selected. The exact options you get may depend on the version of Revit you've installed.
  • Under Create New, make sure Project is selected,
  • Click OK.

Creating a mass in a Revit project.

  • In the Ribbon, open the View tab. In the Create panel, click 3D View to create a new 3D View. Only do this if there is no 3D view.
  • Open the 'Massing & Site' tab in the Ribbon.
  • In the 'Conceptual Mass' panel, click Revit In-place mass button.png (In-Place Mass). This will create a custom mass object in which you build the mass itself

Revit may pop-up a message about changing the view settings for massing purposes. Dismiss this message.

  • Enter any name you want in the pop up

You will now go into editing mode.

  • In your Project Browser go to level 1
  • In the Draw panel in the Ribbon, click Revit reference line.png (Reference Line) and draw a single line with length 20000 (mm)
  • If you select the reference line you will find 4 reference planes
To draw a orthogonal line in 3D View use SHIFT when drawing the second point of your line.

Revit reference line 2.png

Changing the Work Plane

Change the Work Plane to the face as shown in the figure below.

  • In the Work Plane pane, click Revit Set work plane button.png (Set Work Plane)
  • Select the vertical plane of the Mass as Work Plane

    On4 m27.jpg

  • Draw a Arc (start end radius arc) to close the boundary, click Revit Massing draw start-end-radius-arc.png and draw first the start point, second the end point and the third point for the radius.

On4 m5.jpg

  • In the Ribbon, click Revit 2011 Modify.png (Modify) to end the command or press the Escape key.

This is your base or profile. The next step is to extrude a profile from the base/profile. More exotic shapes can be made by using multiple profiles.

  • Select your boundary shape
  • Click the lower part of the Revit Create form button.png (Create Form) button, then Revit Solid form button.png (Solid Form).

On4 m8.jpg

  • The profile is now extruded into a Mass. You can adjust the amount by which you extrude the profile by moving the X,Y,Z handle up or down. The X,Y,Z handles are green, blue and red respectively.
  • Change the height to 5000 mm by clicking the numeric dimension. Type 5000.

On4 m9.jpg

  • Click Revit Finish mass button.png (Finish Mass)

Add extrusion and Modify extrusion

Next we'll add extrusion to the mass.

New extrusion 3500 mm
  • Select the Mass you've created
  • In the Modify Mass tab, click Revit Edit In-place button.png (Edit In-Place)
  • Select the upper face of the mass. Use Tab & LMB (left mouse button) to cycle through the elements.

On4 m9 b.jpg

  • Click the lower part of the Revit Create form button.png (Create Form) button, then Revit Solid form button.png (Solid Form).
  • Click the lock icon of the new extrusion. Now you are free to change the shape in any direction.
  • Change the height to 3500 mm.

Modify mass: Scale

Scale top extrusion
  • Select the upper face of the mass
  • Go to the Modify panel and Click Scale

On4 m12 scale.jpg

  • First select the top corner of the mass

On4 m13 scale.jpg

  • Second select the opposite corner of the corner

On4 m14 scale.jpg

  • Third slide your mouse over the edge and click the line at a distance of 4000 mm.

On4 m15 scale.jpg

Modify mass: Rotate

  • Select the upper face of the mass
  • Go to the East Elevation view in the Project Browser

On4 m16.jpg

  • Go to the Modify panel and Click Rotate

On4 m18 rotate.jpg

  • Now you will see a blue point (center of rotation) appear with a line you can rotate with your mouse

On4 m19 rotate.jpg

  • Drag the center of rotation to the corner with your LMB (left mouse button)

On4 m20 rotate.jpg

  • Click outside of the mass in the same direction of the upper face

On4 m21 rotate.jpg

  • Move your mouse to give a rotation of 10 degrees

On4 m22 rotate.jpg

Change coordinate system of top face

Now the top face of the mass has been rotated. When you select the top face the X,Y,Z handle will appear.

There are two coordinate systems:

  • 1) Local and
  • 2) World

With Space Bar you can choose the coordinate system.

Local coordinate system: On4 m23 rotate.jpg

World coordinate system: On4 m24 rotate.jpg

Add extrusions

Add two new extrusion to the mass.

  • Select the side face of the mass and create an extrusion

On4 m25.jpg

  • Set the extrusion distance to 5000 mm
  • Click the lock icon so you can change the extrusion in any direction.

On4 m25 c.jpg

Do the same for extrusion above the last one On4 m26.jpg

Create Hole in Mass

The result of the mass

In the next steps a Void mass will be made with the Work plane viewer.

Creating a Void Form

  • In the Work Plane panel in the Ribbon, click On4 workplane viewer.jpg (Work Plane Viewer)
  • In the Draw panel in the Ribbon, click Revit 2011 Rectangle.png (Rectangle)
  • Draw a rectangle on the face with the Work Plane Viewer:

    On4 m29.jpg

On4 m29 b.jpg

  • Click Modify or press Esc to finish.

Now we're going to create a Void Form from the profile we've just drawn.

  • Select the rectangle you've drawn.
  • Click the lower part of the Revit Create form button.png (Create Form) button, then Revit Void form button.png (Void Form).
  • Change the 'height' (or 'depth') of the extrusion and make sure it goes into the original Mass.
  • This Form can also be modified by selecting faces or edges and moving them.
  • Click Revit Finish mass button.png (Finish Mass)

When you select the Mass, you can apply some quick modifications:

On4 m31.jpg

Using the blue arrows, you can move each of the faces. The movement is always perpendicular to the face.

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