Rhino Export to Revit

From TOI-Pedia


Although geometry created outside Revit usually doesn't have the editing and data possibilities like geometry created within Revit, it can still be useful to import building parts that were created with Grasshopper for example. This will give the opportunity to get a complete model of the building and create the technical drawings within Revit. There are two main file types that you can use to export from Rhino:

  • DWG
  • ACIS

There isn't much difference in the resulting geometry in Revit, but exporting ACIS files from Rhino is a bit more straightforward than DWG. Therefore we will explain the ACIS export option.

General preparations

The most important step when exporting your model from Rhino to Revit is the preparation. It is paramount to optimize your model. The geometry will become one object in Revit, making it impossible to add different materials to different parts of the imported geometry. To be able to use different materials on imported geometry in Revit, we will have to import it in parts. One part for every material. Other things to keep in mind are:

  • Only export the part of the model you need
  • Keep the level of detail as low as possible

Grasshopper Geometry

If your model is created using Grasshopper, you need to bake the Grasshopper model first, so it becomes 'real' Rhino geometry that you can select and export.

  1. Select the Grashopper block(s) that create the geometry of the end-result.
  2. Solution » Bake Selected or tap space and choose Bake (the fried egg icon).

Exporting from Rhino

  1. Select the parts you want to export.
  2. File » Export Selected...
  3. Set Save as type to ACIS (*.sat).
  4. Choose a path and a file name to store the ACIS file.
  5. Click Save
  6. Set ACIS Export Type to AutoCAD.

Importing in Revit

  1. Select the Floor Plan you want the geometry to be placed at.
  2. Insert » Import CAD
  3. Set Positioning to Auto - Origin to Origin.
  4. Set Files of Type to ACIS SAT Files (*.sat).
  5. Browse to the location where you saved the ACIS file. Select the file.
  6. Click Open
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