Rhino to Adobe Illustrator

From TOI-Pedia


Rhino allows users to create interesting models and ideas, it is however, in most situations not the most presentable software for presentations or concept diagrams. Therefore, it is handy to export your 2D and 3D Rhino drawing to Adobe Illustrator. Rhino will export its vector to an Illustrator format that can later be used in the Adobe Illustrator software (see Illustrator).

Export from Rhino to Illustrator

There are two basic ways of exporting your Rhino model to Illustrator. Both these options have their own pros and cons.

  • Option 1 is the easiest. This option allows you to export all curves. For most projects this will result in a chaotic Illustrator document.
  • Option 2 requires additional steps but allows the model to be divided into hidden and visible lines. Making it easier to work on views or sections.

Simple export - option 1

Example of 3D Rhino model with layering.
Result of option 1 export.


- Quick export
- All curves are exported and stay connected
- Original layer system used in export


- No distinction between visible and hidden lines
- Additional lines such as tangents and iso-curves are also exported, can be chaotic

Step 1: Make sure your Rhino model makes use of a handy layering system. Layering your model will allow you to easily change entire layers (for example the line colour or style).

Step 2: Select the elements you want to export. And use the 'Export' command in Rhino (or use the 'File' tab and click on 'Export selected...').

Step 3: Open the exported file with Adobe Illustrator. Now you can easily alter the curve and/or appearance.

Advanced export - option 2

Example of 3D Rhino model with layering.
Isometric view tab.
Result of option 2 export.


- Full control on what is exported, such as hidden lines and silhouettes
- Model is exported as a 2D drawing, making it easier to work with


- Exporting process creates a lot of unnecessary additional layers
- Step 2 needs to be repeated if you want to export more views

Step 1: Make sure your Rhino model makes use of a handy layering system. Layering your model will allow you to easily change entire layers (for example the line colour or style).

Step 2: Create the right view of your model in Rhino. This view will be converted to a 2D drawing. For a lot of projects Isometric views are required. To create an isometric view go to the view frame tab, go to 'Set View' > 'Isometric' > and select your desired direction.

Step 3: When you have the correct view select your elements that need to be included and use the 'Make2D' command. Select your correct view (e.g. parallel, top, ..) and make sure 'Object properties' is set to 'Maintain Source Layers'. Now you can select the lines you want to include in your model such as hidden lines and silhouettes . Finally give the 2D drawing layer a proper layer name.

Step 4: Go to your top view and search for the newly generated curves. When found hide all other layers and make sure you see your entire view. Select the curves and use the 'Export' command (or use the 'File' tab and click on 'Export selected...').

Step 5: Open the exported file with Adobe Illustrator. Now you can easily alter the curve and/or appearance.

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