Template:Maya2017 Component Mode

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Editing on component level

In the status line you will find the buttons for Object Mode and Component Mode
Polygons are transformed by editing vertices, edges and faces
NURBS are transformed by editing control points, edit points and isoparms
You can also hold the right mouse button to quickly switch between Object Mode and different Component Selections

As described in the section of geometry types, geometry consists of different components that it’s build from. It is possible to transform objects by transforming these components. This is a very common way of editing your objects during modeling. In the status line you can switch between component and object mode. When the component mode is selected a couple of options become available. With these options it’s possible to address a certain component type. You can also hold the right mouse button anywhere in the viewport to quickly switch between Object Mode and different Component Selections, try to use this to work more efficient.

Depending on the geometry type, those components can differ, so both polygon and NURBS geometry is discussed separately.

Polygon components:

  • Vertex

When the square icon is selected, the vertices become visible as purple dots. The vertices can be selected and the position can be altered by using the transform, rotate or scale tool. A single vertex can not be rotated or scaled, but when multiple vertices are selected, they can be rotated or scaled relative to each other.

  • Edge

When the icon with the blue line on a surface is selected, edges of polygonal objects can be selected and transformed. Edges can be moved, rotated and scaled. By transforming an edge, in fact the adjacent vertices are transformed.

  • Face

When the icon with the four squares is selected, faces can be selected and transformed. Faces become visible as blue dots on the faces of the object. Faces can be moved, rotated and scaled. By transforming a face, in fact the adjacent vertices are transformed.

NURBS components:

  • Control Vertex

For a NURBS object the square icon in component mode enables you to transform the control vertices. Control vertices define the tangent of the surface. In contrast to vertices of polygonal objects the control vertices of NURBS objects don’t lie on the surface by definition. The control vertices can be selected and the position can be altered by using the transform, rotate or scale tool. A single control vertex can not be rotated or scaled, but when multiple control vertices are selected, they can be rotated or scaled relative to each other.

  • Edit Point

With the round icon selected, edit points become selectable. Edit points can be used in several tools for editing NURBS objects. Edit points of NURBS surfaces cannot be moved, rotated or scaled. Edit points of curves on the contrary can be transformed.

  • Isoparm

With the icon with the blue line selected, isoparms can be selected. Isoparms can be used, like edit points, in several tools for editing NURBS objects. By dragging an isoparm over the geometry surface isoparms can be moved. Isoparms cannot be transformed by the move, rotate and scale tool.

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