Template:Modeling polygons relative transform

From TOI-Pedia

You can transform your object relative to it's current place, scale or rotation with an exact number of units. To do this, go to the little triangle next to the input field at the right top of your screen. when this field is not visible it could be hidden (click the small bars to open it). Click on the triangle and choose relative transform:


Now select the tool corresponding to the transformation you want to do (eg. if you want to move the object from it's current location select the move tool) because that's the kind of transformation Maya will do and select the object you want to use it on. Now you can enter the amount of units you want to move, rotate or scale your object in the X, Y and Z fields shown above. You can either do it in only one direction or 2 or 3 directions at the same time. Press enter to execute the transformation.

Note that Maya always uses points as a decimal separator, not a comma.

You can use the relative transform for objects, but also for components or groups.


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