Template:Rendering vr nurbs

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When using Vector Render in Maya gaps on the edges of NURBS surfaces may appear. We use a simple example to minimize these gaps with the use of tessellation. These gaps may appear because Vector Render treats the NURBS surfaces as triangular polygon faces. With tessellation you can increase or decrease the number of triangles on surfaces. After vector rendering you can use Adobe Illustrator to edit the image. We explain some Vector Render Settings to optimise the appearance of the image in Illustrator.

The picture below shows the model we will use in this explanation.

Maya tessel persp.gif

This model will look in Vector Render like the picture below. This may happen without changing any setting of a NURBS surface in the Attribute Editor.

Maya vector render nurbs tessel standard.jpg

Click on a NURBS surface and open the Atribute Editor. Find the Tessellation attribute and click on the black triangle to see more options.

Maya tessel attr standard.gif

Check the Display Render Tessellation and Enable Advanced Tessellation checkboxes. After checking the checkboxes triangles appear on the NURBS surface in the viewport.

Maya tessel persp standard.gif

Change in Primary Tessellation Attributes the Number U and Number V by moving the sliders.

Maya tessel attr modified.gif

In the viewport you can see an increase of the number of triangles on the selected NURBS surface.

Maya tessel persp modified.gif

You have found the right setting for your model when you do not see any gaps on the edges of the NURBS surfaces in your Vector Render.

Maya vector render nurbs tessel modified.jpg

You may still notice that the round corners are angular and not round. Increase the number of U and V in the Primary Tessellation Attributes of all adjacent NURBS surfaces until you are satisfied.

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