Template:Rendering vr nurbs edges

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In some cases some of the edges in the model will not be displayed in the render. If it is desired to display them, you can use one of the techniques described in this section.

VR missing edges.jpg

  • Changing the minimum edge angle (global)

See Vector render settings > Edge options.

  • Alternative solution

Another option is to detach the surface along the edge (isoparm).

Isoparm selected for detach surface.jpg

Note that you might need to delete History from objects that are dependent from this surface before you detach it. In the example above, the two planar surfaces highlighted in purple to indicate a history relation.

Detached surface.jpg

This will create two separate surfaces and will result in the edge being displayed when rendering.

VR missing edges solved.jpg

The benefit is that you can apply this to a single area where a problem with edge detail arises; you don't need to change the global setting, which may introduce unwanted effects in other areas of your render.

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