Template:Vector vs Raster images

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Comparison between raster and vector images

This example at the right shows a raster (pixel) version of a filled circle (left) and a vector version (right), which illustrates the difference between raster and vector images. A part of the edge is magnified. When magnifying, the saw-tooth pattern is clearly visible. Hence there evidently is a detail limit for bitmaps. When zooming in on a vector object, the shape can still be accurately calculated due to the mathematical equations.

Because of the elemental difference between pixel and vector images, the one is better suitable for certain types of images then the other. This becomes clear when comparing a pixel image photo to a traced (vector) photo. It is evident that the vector photo has a lack of detail and shade gradients. Therefore vectors are more suitable for line-art images, whilst pixels are more suitable for images that require subtle details in colors (photo's, hand-drawings a.o.).

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