Trim tool

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Surfaces > trim tool can be used to cut out or cut off a part of a surface. The cutting edges are closed curves on the surface or curves moving van one edge of the surface to another or the same edge of the surface. The surface within the curves can be deleted or kept and the surface outside the curves deleted.

When you've created a curve-on-surface with Intersect Surfaces or Project Curve on surface, the trim tool removes the parts divided by the curves.

To remove parts of your geometry that are intersecting:

Select the two surfaces that are intersecting, and need removing.

Go to Surfaces > Intersect, this will create a curve on the surface of both the objects, this curve can later be used for trimming (removing parts of the geometry).

BSC2 NURBS trim2.png

Now the NURBS geometry is ready for trimming. To trim: Select the object to be trimmed, go to Surfaces -> Trim Tool And click on the parts of the geometry that you want to keep (a dot will appear on the parts that are preserved). When ready, press ENTER.

BSC2 NURBS trim1.png

Repeat this process to make a hole in the other part of the geometry.

More information and problem solving on the trim tool

Problem solving

Trim is a delicate operation that is prone to several errors.

  • Tolerance

When trimming very small objects, problems may arise with the internal tolerance.

Solution: Optimize the scale of your scene. Avoid trimming objects that are smaller than 1 unit.

  • No closed region

Trim no closed region.jpg

When a Curve on Surface doesn't create a closed region on your surface, the trim tool will not work.

Solution: Make sure the Curve on Surface (one ore more) create a closed region. So the curve must be closed, eg when creating holes, or it must go from edge to edge.

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