Honeybee Intermezzo 11: Direct Sun Hours Simulation

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Create & Run the Direct Sun Hours Simulation

Assigning sensor grids to the HB model

It refers to the total number of hours that direct sun is received by each grid sensor of the model.

1. Create a HB-Radiance » Recipes » HB Direct Sun Hours component.

2. Connect the ‘wea’ result from the HB WEA from EPW component to the ‘_wea’ input.

3. Connect the ‘model’ result from the HB Assign Grids and Views component to the ‘_model’ input. You should pay attention to this, because it would create an error if you connected the ‘model’ result directly from the HB model component.

4. Define the orientation of the design. In this tutorial we are going to set the north vector along the positive direction of Y axis, facing the opposite direction of the aperture normal.

Create a Vector » Vector » Unit Y component and connect the ‘unit vector’ result to the ‘north_’ input.

Important to note: In general, you should set the north vector according to the north orientation of the location where your building is placed.

5. Create a Params » Input » Boolean Toggle component and connect it to the ‘_run’ input of the HB Direct Sun Hours component.

6. Double-click the Boolean Toggle component in order to set it to ‘True’ and run the simulation.

Post-processing the results

Direct Sun Hours Heatmaps (Simple & Parametric model)

For easier comprehension, you can visualize the results as shown in:

Important to note:

In this case, that the resulting values do not refer to a percentage, there is no need to set the max value of the legend to 100. You should leave the 'max_' input empty in order for the program to adjust it based on the resulting values of every iteration.

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