Honeybee Intermezzo 14: Adaptive Comfort Map (Thermal Comfort per sensor grid)
Apply sensor grids
1. Create a HB-Radiance » Basic Properties » HB Sensor Grid from Rooms component.
2. Connect the model result from the HB model component to the '_rooms' input.
Important to note: You should connect the HB model component as it was created it in Step 2C: Compose the HB model for the Energy simulation.
3. Use a Params » Input » Number Slider to define the _grid_size input (size of sensor grid cells). For this tutorial, set it to 0.5.
4. Use a Params » Input » Number Slider to define the _dist_floor input (number referring to the vertical distance between the sensor grid points and the HB room floor). For this tutorial, set it to to 0.9. (We consider an intermediate value - 0.6m corresponds to a sedentary and 1.1m to a standing person.)
5. Create a HB-Radiance » Basic Properties » HB Assign Grids and Views component.
6. Connect the model result from the HB model component to the _model input.
7. Connect the grid result from the HB Sensor Grid from Rooms component to the grids_ input.
Set the Adaptive Comfort Map Parameters
1. Create a HB-Radiance » Recipes » HB Radiance Parameter component.
2. Use a Params » Input » Panel to define the type of recipe for which you want to define the radiance parameters. In this case, set the value to 2 (annual).
3. Use a Params » Input » Number Slider to define the detail level of the analysis. For this tutorial, we are going to use the 2 (high level of detail).
For further information on which detail level of radiance parameters you should choose or how you can select customized values, check the:
4. Create a Ladybug » Extra » LB Adaptive Comfort Parameters and a Ladybug » Extra » LB Solar Body Parameters component.
By browsing your mouse over the different inputs you can see which parameters can be set by you for the simulation. In this tutorial, we are going to use the default values.
Create & Run the Adaptive Comfort Map Analysis
1. Create a HB- Energy » Thermal Map » HB Adaptive Comfort Map component.
2. Connect the ‘model’ result from the HB Assign Grids and Views component to the ‘_model’ input.
3. Connect the ‘epw_file’ output of the LB Download Weather component (created in Step 3C: Create & Run the Open Studio simulation) to the ‘_epw’ input.
4. Connect the ‘ddy_file’ output of the LB Download Weather component to the ‘_ddy’ input.
5. Define the north of the location. In this tutorial, the north vector will be set along the positive direction of the Y axis, facing the opposite direction of the aperture normal. Create a Vector » Vector » Unit Y component and connect the ‘unit vector’ result to the ‘north_’ input.
6. Connect the ‘adapt_par’ result of the LB Adaptive Comfort Parameters component to the ‘comfort_par_’ input.
7. Connect the ‘sol_body_par’ result of the LB Solar Body Parameters component to the ‘solar_body_par_’ input.
8. Create a Params » Input » Boolean Toggle component and connect it to the ‘_run’ input.
9. Double-click the Boolean Toggle component in order to set it to ‘True’ and run the simulation.
Important to note: We use Adaptive Comfort Map because we have not applied mechanical ventilation to the space. In conditioned spaces it is advisable to use the HB- Energy » Thermal Map » HB PMV Comfort Map.
Visualize the results (Comfort Matrix / Spatial Heatmap)
There are 2 different groups of data that can be extracted:
A. The operative temperature for each grid point (op_temp), as well as the comfort condition(condition), i.e. if the temperature levels are acceptable or not, and how much they deviate from the Adaptive comfort neutral temperature (‘deg_neut’).
These values are stored in a .csv file and in order to visualize them, you should:
1. Create a HB- Energy » Thermal Map » HB Read Thermal Matrix component.
2. Connect the result from the HB Adaptive Comfort Map component that you want to visualize to the ‘_comf_result’ input (ONLY ‘op_temp’ or ‘condition’ or ‘deg_neut’) .
3. Create a Params » Input » Panel and write True. Connect it to the ‘_load’ input in order for the .csv file to be loaded.
4. Create a Ladybug » Extra » LB Legend Parameters component.
By browsing your mouse over the different inputs you can see which parameters can be set. In this tutorial, create a Params » Input » Panel, write True and connect it to the ‘continuous_leg_’ input in order to have a continuous gradient in the colors.
Important to note: Do not set the min & max values because they will be automatically set based on the range of values that the simulation gets each time.
4. Create a HB- Energy » Thermal Map » HB Visualize Thermal Map component.
5. Connect the ‘comf_mtx’ result of the HB Read Thermal matrix component to the ‘_comf_mtx’ input.
6. Connect the ‘mesh’ result of the HB Sensor Grid from Rooms component to the ‘_mesh’ input.
7. Connect the ‘leg_par’ result of the LB Legend Parameters component to the ‘legend_par_’ input.
You can see the resulting Map by clicking on the HB Visualize Thermal Map component. The graph will appear on your Rhino scene. If you want to bake the graph: Right-click on HB Visualize Thermal Map » Bake.
B. The percentage of occupied time that the thermal conditions in each sensor grid are acceptable/comfortable (TCP) or hotter than comfortable (HSP) or colder than comfortable (CSP).
These values are not stored in a .csv file and, therefore, can be visualized using a Spatial Heatmap following the steps described in Honeybee Intermezzo 7: Visualize the simulation results - Spatial Heatmap.
Important to note: Set the ‘max_’ in the LB Legend Parameters component to 100 in order to have comparable graphs, since all these results refer to percentages.