Ladybug Light Analysis

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Expected Time: 45 min
Possible result of this tutorial

In this tutorial you will learn how to analyze the sunlight hours of a Rhino model. Using this analysis, you can change your design based on expected performance or optimize it using an algorithm. For this tutorial, you will first need to install Ladybug. A comprehensive explanation on how to do this can be found in the Ladybug installation guide.

The Rhino scene that is used for a TU Delft design course

To analyze a model in Rhino, you will need to take several steps:

  • Gather online data about weather at a certain location;
  • Extract this information from the weather file;
  • Project the sunlight data on your created model;
  • Visualize the result;

Finally you can change or optimize the model based on the result.

Download the example file

In this tutorial, we will explain you step-by-step how to create the Grasshopper model that calculates the information you need. However, you can also download the following file, which is actually the final result of this tutorial. If you really want to understand how the script works, it is recommended to build it yourself.

Remember to Credit the Author when using this script for your projects!

Importing the EPW data

Add the LB EPWmap component to the canvas

In this first step, we will find the weather data we need to analyze our model. Add an LB EPWmap component to the Grasshopper canvas. This component will open a webbrowser for you with the data we need. Connect a boolean toggle to the input of the EPWmap component to open the correct website automatically.

  • Add an LB EPWmap component to the canvas Ladybug » Import » LB EPWmap
  • Connect a boolean toggle to the input Params » Input » Boolean Toggle

The opened website after double-clicking on the Boolean Toggle

Double-click on the Boolean Toggle. You will now be directed to the EPW weather data website. Zoom in to the location you need weather data from. If the exact location is not available, try to find the closest one.

  • Double click on the boolean toggle
  • Find the location you need

Copy the EPW url to clipboard

Next, click on the city and "copy link to clipboard". Your browser will now copy a link to the right address to retrieve the weather data from.

  • Copy the weather data to clipboard

If you are following the BK3OV3 course, please copy the Amsterdam EPW link.

Paste the url in a panel for the LB Dowload Weather component

Open your Grasshopper file again. Now we need to import the data. Add an LB Download Weather component to the canvas. Connect a panel to the _weather_url input and paste the link in this panel. Ladybug will now retrieve the weather data for us.

  • Open Grasshopper again
  • Add an LB Download Weather component to the canvas Ladybug » Import » LB Download Weather
  • Connect a panel to the weather_url input Params » Input » Panel
  • Paste the link in the panel

Extract the EPW data

Extract the EPW data

Although we have imported the weather, it is not visible or separated in parts yet. Connect an LB Import EPW component to the epw_file output.

  • Connect an LB Import EPW component to the epw_file output Ladybug » Import » LB Import EPW

One of the EPW data outputs

If you connect a panel to one of the outputs of the Import EPW component, you will see that Ladybug has extracted several types of information. Internally, the data contains 8760 values, which is exactly equal to the amount of hours in one measured year.

Creating a sunpath

The SunPath component

Now we want to use the location to generate a sunpath around our model. Add an LB Sunpath component to the canvas and connect the location output to the location input.

  • Add an LB Sunpath component to the canvas Ladybug » Visualize Data » LB Sunpath
  • Connect the location output and input

Change the true north of the model

First, we need to make sure that the true north of our model is correct. Connect a panel with a value in degrees that indicates the true north of your model.

  • Connect a panel with the true north in degrees Params » Input » Panel

If you are following the BK3OV3 course, please use the value 60 for the true north

Create a HOY and Analysis Period component

Furthermore, we need to specify which months, days and hours should be calculated. There are two components that we can use for this purpose: LB calculate HOY (just one hour or minute) and LB Analysis Period (a longer period of the year). The second respectively, mostly used for architectural design.

  • Add an LB Calculate HOY component to the canvas Ladybug » Analyze Data » LB Calculate HOY
  • Add an LB Analysis Period component to the canvas Ladybug » Analyze Data » LB Analysis Period

Specify the Hour Of Year

For this example, connect three Number Slider to specify 15:00, 21th of July.

  • Connect three Number Sliders to the LB Calculate HOY component to specify one hour Params » Input » Number Slider
  • Connect the hoy output from the LB Calculate HOY component to the hoys_ input

Specify the Sun Path scale

Finally, we need to add two more parameters to the sunpath component. First, we need to specify the centerpoint. You can also leave this parameter empty, then the coordinate 0, 0, 0 will be used. Secondly, you need to define a scale for the sunpath. In our case, let's change it to two.

  • If necessary change the center point of the sunpath, just connect a point parameter to the _center_pt_ input Params » Geometry » Point
  • Define a scale for the sunpath by connecting a panel with a value to the _scale_ input Params » Input » Panel

If you are following the BK3OV3 course, please change the _scale_ to 0.25.

The sun path in your Rhino viewport

Your sun path should now be visible in your Rhino viewport.

Projecting the sun data on the model

An example of a Rhino scene with a roof

In this chapter, we will calculate the amount of sunlight on a grid in our model. Of course, you will first need to create a model in Rhino. In the right image you can see an example of a model, which is used in the BK3OV3 course of TU Delft. As you can see, our model has a perforated roof that will block the sun. It will be interesting to find out how much sun is blocked and which spot will get most light during the day.

The Direct Sun Hours component

Add an LB Direct Sun Hours component to the canvas. As the name already indicates, the model will only calculate direct sunlight.

  • Add an LB Direct Sun Hours component to the canvas Ladybug » Analyze Geometry » LB Direct Sun Hours
  • Connect the sun vectors output to the _vectors input

Set the _run boolean to False

Since Ladybug sunlight calculations can take a while, it is better to connect a Boolean Toggle to the _run input. When this toggle is set to True. Grasshopper will start running the component.

  • Connect a Boolean Toggle to the _run input Params » Input » Boolean Toggle
  • Make sure the toggle is set to "False"

Specify the grid size

To make sure our model is not too complicated to calculate, we need to specify a grid size. You may need to check if your Rhino model is created in millimeters or meters to find a reasonable value.

  • Specify a _grid_size with a panel Params » Input » Panel

For BK3OV3 students, make sure your Rhino model is created in millimeters. Connect a value of 1000 to the _grid_size input.

Specify the offset height

Usually, sunlight calculations are calculated a little bit above the ground. Set a value of about 700 mm above the ground using a Number Slider.

  • Set the offset distance from the ground with a panel Params » Input » Number Slider

For BK3OV3 students, make sure your Rhino model is created in millimeters. Connect a value of 700 to the _offset_dist_ input.

Set a surface to analyze

Now we need to set the geometry where we want to calculate the sunlight hours on. This must be a surface an will internally be converted to a mesh.

  • Add a surface parameter to the canvas Params » Geometry » Surface
  • Set your Rhino surface on the parameter RMB on surface parameter » Set one Surface
  • Connect the surface parameter to the _geometry input

Set multiple context geometries

Calculating the sunlight without any context, wouldn't make any sense. Add another geometry parameter to the canvas that contains all the surrounding walls, buildings, ceilings, objects etc. that will block the sun. Connect this parameter to the _context input.

  • Add a geometry parameter to the canvas Params » Geometry » Geometry
  • Set your Geometry on the parameter RMB on geometry parameter » Set multiple Geometries
  • Connect the geometry parameter to the _context input

Turn on the _run Boolean

Before you continue, please save your Grasshopper file. We will now calculate the final result, but if the calculation takes too long, you may lose your data. After saving, double-click on the Boolean Toggle of the _run input. A mesh with the sunlight data should now be visible. The colors of the mesh indicate the amount of sunlight on the ground.

  • Save your Grasshopper file
  • Double-click on the _run Boolean Toggle

The sunlight analysis visible in Rhino

Your sunlight analysis should now be visible in the viewport. If the colors are not clearly visible, temporarily hide your Rhino ground surface, and turn the preview off of the Grasshopper Surface parameter and Geometry parameter.

In the right image, you can see some yellow colors where there is sunlight. As you can see, the sun is still quite low at this time, because we set the hoy time to early in the morning.

If only one square is visible, or all you squares are blue, make sure that your Rhino model is set to millimeters.

Calculating the total amount of sunlight

Calculate the total amount of sun hours

The Result output can tell you the exact amount of sunlight for each square on your surface. If you connect a Mass Addition component to that output, the result will be the total amount of sunlight in your model.

  • Connect a Mass Addition component to the result output Maths » Operators » Mass Addition
  • Connect a panel to the Result output Params » Input » Panel

Running the calculation with an Analysis Period

Connect the Analysis Period hoys to the hoys_ input

You now have an idea how long the calculation of one hour takes. Next, you can try to calculate a longer period by connecting the LB Analysis Period to the hoys_ input. Remember: the more hours you calculate, the longer the calculation will take. At the input of the Analysis Period, you can define a start/end month, day and hour. The interval will indicate the amount of intervals (minutes) that should be calculated per hour.

  • Set the _Run Boolean Toggle to False
  • Define an analysis period with Number Sliders Params » Input » Number Slider
  • Connect the analysis period hoys output to the hoys_ input
  • Set the _Run Boolean Toggle to True

The analysis over a longer period of time

You now have a sun hours analysis over a longer period of time.

Tips and Tricks

Set the legend parameters

Changing the settings of the sunpath legend is possible by connecting the LB Legend Parameters component to the legend_par_ input. Hold your mouse on the different inputs to read what the parameters can change. Using the script in the following image for example, you can change the coloring of the sunlight analysis to black and white.

If the legend is not visible, hide the surrounding geometry in Rhino.

Multicore processing set to True

If you have a modern laptop, it may be useful to set the parallel_ input of the LB Direct Sun Hours to True. This will enable multi-core processing in your script. The script may therefore run way more efficiently when calculating complex sunlight analyses.

Optimize your roof orientation with Galapagos based on the amount of sunlight

Using Galapagos, it is possible to automatically optimize your model. For example: you may want to know the perfect location for you roof, to get the greatest amount of shadow in your design. By creating a Grasshopper model that has parameters to move your roof, you can optimize the location, based on the amount of sunlight. Take a look at the following tutorial to get an idea about how Galapagos works: Galapagos Optimization

If you are a student at TU Delft and you have a very complex Ladybug Analysis to calculate, you can use the BK renderfarm to execute the script for you. Take a look at the Renderfarm Tutorial, or contact @hok.

Final Grasshopper script

The final Grasshopper script

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