Speckle Tutorials

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Organize Streams & Branches

The first part in setting up the Speckle workflow is to create the streams along with their respective branches. This can be done through the Speckle Web App. You can access it with your login credentials in:


Create a new Stream

Speckle Web App - Create a New Stream

Click on the Create New Stream/New Stream buttons in the main interface.

In the pop-up panel, add a name and a small description of the stream in order to be easily recognized.

You can select between a public and a private stream; a public stream can be accessed by anyone who has its unique stream ID, whereas in a private stream personal permissions are assigned to each team member. These are:

Owner: Full access.

Contributor: Can edit the stream's contents but cannot edit stream details or manage permissions.

Reviewer: View-only access to a stream

Speckle Web App - Overview of Stream properties

Important to note: After creating your stream, you can still access and modify its properties using the tabs on the left side. In the ‘Streams’ overview, click on the corresponding stream and browse its properties:

Stream home: View the latest version of the data in the stream and the respective commits.

Collaborators: Assign more members to the stream or change the permissions of the existing ones. Remember that, in order to assign a permission to somebody, they should already have created a Speckle account using their email.

Settings: Change the name and description of the stream, its public/private mode or permanently delete it (click on the ‘Danger Zone’).


Speckle Web App - Create a New Branch

Upon the creation of each stream, a default branch is created which is called ‘main’. Afterwards, you can add several branches and sub-branches without limitation on their overall number.

Important to note:

1. You can create at the same time both a family branch and a nested sub-branch by adding a “/” in order to separate the two names. Add a message to explain what you include on it every time.

2. Streams and branches can also be created from the connectors inside the different software. However, creating them through the Speckle Web App serves to give a clearer overview of the setup. You can find more detailed information about the use of the Speckle Web App in https://speckle.guide/user/web.html

How to exchange data?

Speckle Data exchange - Send & Receive

In general, the flow of data exchange in Speckle is divided in:

Sending data

After modifying the model, each user sends the changed geometries through the Speckle platform making it accessible to the rest of the team members. A new commit is created automatically and can be viewed in 3D through the Speckle Web App.

Important to note: it is useful to add a message that describes the change that is included in the commit every time.

Receiving data

After the data has become available in the Speckle platform, the rest of the team members can receive it and update their model respectively.

Important to note:

1. In Speckle - although the principle is to centralize the data in one cloud model - each team member is responsible for maintaining a local copy of the overall model on his/her computer and every time updates the changes on it. In order to be able to efficiently send and receive the data from the main model in the right position, it is important that all the team members use local copies that have the same reference starting point.

2. In case that data is transferred between files that use different metric units, Speckle will convert its size so that the element overall dimensions are always kept the same. However, the conversions that can be done automatically refer only to numeric parameters. Thus, it still needs to be taken into consideration that object features related to a specific program may create clashes when received from another software, e.g. if you send meshes from Rhino, you will not be able to receive it in Revit.

Using the Speckle Connectors

You can find a more detailed explanation about how to use Speckle connectors for the main design software in:

Speckle can also be linked with a wide range of different programs, such as structural BIM software -TEKLA structures-, 3D graphics -blender, unreal engine- or software for geographic & infrastructure data -QGIS & Bentley. You can find the full list of available connectors in: https://speckle.guide/user/connectors.html

For more tutorials regarding the Speckle connectors, you can also check https://speckle.systems/tutorials/

Lastly, if you have any questions, you can visit the:

| Speckle 2: Frequently Asked Questions

| Speckle 2: Community Forum

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